
As followers of Jesus, we give in response to all God has given us.

Ways to Give

Why We Give

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’. With these words the apostle Paul reminds us that giving financially to support the work of the church is an important part of our worship and life together as a church.

There are at least two reasons why we give. First, Christians give as a response to God’s kindness and love. Christian giving isn’t meant to be compulsory, but a cheerful response to God’s own graciousness and generosity. And second, Christians give because the church is a family. Giving is one way we join together as a family, supporting the ministry of the church as we work to see our city renewed by the good news of Jesus Christ.

If you’d like to learn more about the finances of Reality Church London, or if you have questions about giving, please send us an email.
Email Us

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid declaration below. Gift Aid allows us to reclaim basic tax paid on donations made by UK taxpayers. This means that if you give £200.00 to RCL and we have a complete Gift Aid Declaration on file for you, your overall contribution will now be worth £250.00.
Gift Aid

Standing Order

If you have access to online banking, you’re able to set up regular giving through Standing Order, or one-off gifts by BACS transfer. To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:

Metro Bank

Account No: 20722568

Sort Code 23-05-80

Account Name: Reality Church London

Ref: (Initials + Surname-RCL) Eg. JSmith-RCL

Give Online

If you would like to give by Direct Debit or Card you can do so through our account with Though we are charged a small fee for these transactions, we are still able to able to claim Gift Aid at the point of donation. To give in this way, please click below:
Give Online


Many employers offer Payroll Giving which allows you to give directly to RCL from your salary before tax is deducted. This means if you give £100 per month and are a basic rate taxpayer, the gift will only cost you £80 from your net pay. If you pay a higher rate of tax, £100 a month will only cost you £60 from your net pay.

To find out if your employer offers Payroll Giving, contact your HR office. Give as You Earn is often administered by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). You can find our CAF number by entering "Reality Church London" on their website below:
CAF Number

Make a pledge

If you would like to make a pledge to give or would like to talk about your donation, then please email our Director of Operations Luke.
Email Us

Overseas Donations

For those who would like to support us from the USA, please make a donation using the Reality Ventura payment portal and select "Reality London" as the fund option.
Give from the USA

Stay connected

To keep up to date with everything that is happening in the life of our church, please subscribe to the monthly RCL Snapshot email.